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End-of-Sale (EoS) and End-of-Life (EoL) Announcements

High Sierra Electronics, Inc., is an AEM subsidiary.

At AEM, we are committed to providing the best products and services to help you manage environmental risks effectively. We appreciate your continued partnership, and we would like to keep you informed about important updates regarding our products. Click on the product or service name to view the EoS or EoL Announcement for detailed information.


AEM announces the immediate end-of-life (EoL) for our IceSight road condition sensor. Due to manufacturing constraints, AEM will no longer be able to supply our IceSight sensor products. Read EoS EoL Announcement.

The transition to ALERT2 technology is essential for the long-term sustainability and effectiveness of your ALERT systems. ALERT devices are based on legacy technology, and as the industry evolves, transitioning to ALERT2 is imperative to ensure seamless integration, improved performance, and enhanced reliability. Read EoS EoL Announcement

Key Dates:

July 31, 2024: End of Sale (EoS) – This is the last date to place an order for legacy ALERT devices.
December 31, 2024: End of Life (EoL) – After this date, no legacy ALERT devices will be shipped to customers.

AEM announces the end-of-sale (EoS) and end-of-life (EoL) dates for the 4-20mA options of the HSE submersible pressure transducer water level sensors. Read EoS EoL Announcement.