The Non-Recording Rain Gauge – Model 2601-00 is designed for the National Weather Service to provide a reliable, low-cost rain gauge for its weather observer teams. The Non-Recording Rain Gauge is accurate, yet has a simple design that ensures trouble-free operation.
The Non-Recording Rain Gauges consist of a stainless steel 8 inch (20.3 cm) diameter outer cylinder, a smaller clear plastic receiving cylinder, and a polycarbonate 8 inch (20.3 cm) funnel. The Non-Recording Rain Gauge has a total capacity of 20 inches (50.8 cm) of rainfall. The upper portion of the Non-Recording Rain Gauge’s funnel is cylindrical and turned to a sharp edge. Rainwater collected in the Non-Recording Rain Gauge’s 8 inch (20.3 cm) diameter funnel is channeled to the receiver tube. The ratio is 10 to 1, so that 1 inch of rainfall delivers 10 inches of water to the Non-Recording Rain Gauge’s receiver. The Non-Recording Rain Gauge is calibrated in increments of 0.01 inch. The Non-Recording Rain Gauge also has metric calibrations of 0.4 mm. The capacity of the Non-Recording Rain Gauge’s receiver is 2 inches (5.1 cm) of rainfall. Any excess liquid overflows into the Non-Recording Rain Gauge’s outer chamber where it can be measured after the quantity in the receiver has been measured and removed.
The Non-Recording Rain Gauge – Model 2601-00 is shipped complete with a black lamacoid measuring stick with both English and Metric markings. When used as a snow gauge, the Non-Recording Rain Gauge’s receiver and funnel are detached and replaced with a “snow cutter” for direct measurements.
The Non-Recording Rain Gauges meet National Weather Service Specifications.